Wednesday, September 22, 2010

So, this is what it has come to?

My sugar packets have been disappearing. Not really disappearing, just emptied out and PUT BACK! We went through this a couple of months ago with my half used ones. I would use what I needed and then fold the top and put it back for later. The strangest thing happened. They kept on getting mysteriously emptied. Nobody knew anything about it. Very strange ;)So, I filled some open/empty ones with salt. Tricky right?
I think it worked for little while, but here we go again.


  1. that is too funny. your kids (or craig) are hilarious.

  2. Mom-those pink packets aren't really sugar-they are chemicals. Maybe a family member is trying to keep you healthier!

  3. You are a tricky Mom in a long line of trickiness...come on now, tell me Santa's elves weren't keeping track of whether you were being naughty or nice!

    Added feature: Uncle Kenny would call once or twice post-Thanksgiving and speak to all the kiddies, asking if they were being naughty or nice..based on elf reports. His Wisconsin cadence ALWAYS sounded like North-Pole-speak.

    So sweet!

    P.S. I always considered tattling a fail-safe during the rest of the year. A Mom can never have too much info. I learned from Grandma that if the tattle was plausible, follow-up. If not, punish the tattler and the victim..and just say "I can't tell which is telling the truth, so you both have consequences!

    Sorry, but Moms need some secret weapons.

    P.S. Don't let THEM read this

    Love you always,
