Wednesday, September 15, 2010

I have good news and I have bad news......

The good news, we no longer have a cat-box. The bad news, we had to put Divit down today. She was 13 years old and her body was starting to fail her. Craig and I got her the day we got back from our honeymoon. She was our first 'bought together' thing. The kids are taking it ok. I didn't really know what to expect with them. They probably only saw her once a week because she was always in hiding. Griffen asked where she was going and I told him kitty heaven. He sat there for a second thinking, then said, "so Dad had to fly her up there?" Somehow I got myself out of that conversation. Avary goes from crying to saying, "Anyway, now we can get a dog!" Jackson has been super sweet with the two of them. He let them know that we have many pictures of her and that we will put one in their rooms. Tonight before bed G & A were very upset. We went outside and found a star and told them that that was kitty heaven and now we can always see Divit. They blew her kisses and went to bed. We miss her dearly, but know she feels much better now.

1 comment:

  1. Oh Shelb,
    I'm so very, very sorry.

    Believe it or not, Princess wormed her way into my cat-loving...less heart too. Not because of her so much, but because of how you, and Craig and Jackson too, loved her playful ways when she was a kitty. And then, how she "tolerated" the rest of time as it spun out.

    I especially remember when she 'escaped' just that once, and you all combed the neighborhood for her. I smile so much when I think of Jackson remarking "why are we calling to her? ... she never came when we called before !" And I rememeber that on that fateful day she was waiting for all of you on the front porch, when you returned from the hunt.

    So many memories, playing with the feather, watching out the patio door, "lurking" under the dining room table...she's not still here now, but she'll never be forgoten. I'm so proud of you two for not letting her stay sick.

    Lalu, Goose
