Friday, September 10, 2010

The Circus is in town!

The newest addition to the circus.

She was just born last January.

Too cute!

Walking the tight rope.

Waiting for the doors to open.......

Reminds me of Curious Georges' man in the yellow hat!

Pretty darn good for an elephant.

We had the place to ourselves!
I guess that is what happens at the 11:00 a.m. show.

The Grand Finale!

Today Griffen and Avarys school had a field trip to the Circus! We had a great time! We got there early so we could hang out in the parking lot with the animals before show time. When we went in we were able to go down onto the floor and meet all the circus people. They were both a little weirded out by that. You look one way and see people shorter than you, you look the other and there are strange guys walking around on stilts.

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