Monday, October 4, 2010

Tea Party!

Avary was invited to help her friend Bella celebrate her 6th Birthday.  It was at this cute little place called Olivia's Doll House!  All the girls got to pick their dresses, shoes, jewelry, purse and make-up!  It was super cute and a lot of fun.

 Waiting in line for hair and make-up ;)

 Still waiting.......

 Waiting is always easier when you have a friend with you. 
Avary and Haidyn

 And here it goes.........

 a handful of 'glue' and TONS of bobby pins and.........

 A princess is made!

 Just some of the fabulous shoes that were chosen.

 How pretty are they?
Haidyn, Keira, Caitlin, QUEEN BELLA, Lola, Avary, Audrey, Paige, Anna, Claire and Dylan.

 The finished project, minus one earring that got lost in the last photo op.

 Waiting patiently for the 'tea bell' to ring.

 Doing the princess walk and blowing kisses.

 Mirror, mirror on the wall, whose the fairest of them all?

 Avary and Haidyn!

 Getting fluffed before the fashion show.

 Waiting to dig in!

 Hot dogs, pizza, sandwiches OH MY!

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