Sunday, October 24, 2010

Avary, "Ah, now her has a famblee!"

So, after many months of thinking & planning, we surprised the kids with a trip to a wonderful place called Homeward Bound.  It is a rescue home for Golden Retrievers that happen to be affected by the economy or just need a new, loving home.
Griffen, Avary and Jackson were all super excited.  Luckily our appointment was at 2:00 and we told them a little after 1:00.  For even just the half hour before we left it was "When are we going to leave?" times three ;)
We got there and were overwhelmed by all the adorable Golden Retrievers.  I have grown up around these dogs and have always loved them.  Craig is a new golden lover, but enjoyed it just the same.  It was pouring rain and of course you meet and play with the dogs outside.  Even with water dripping off our faces we had smiles on the whole time.  We met a couple of 'candidates' and then made our decision.......

meet Ally!

 Griffen said to Avary, "Wow Grace, you picked out a nice dog!"
She just looked at him like, yah, you were there too. 

She is a little over one year old and so far, so good.  We are off to a good start!  She is already house broken, crate trained and sits and shakes.  She LOVES to play fetch.  It will be a learning experience for us all, but she is an awesome addition to our "famblee"!!

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