Thursday, July 15, 2010

The writing is on the wall

We have a wall in our closet that we measure the kids on. I have told Craig that if we ever move, we will cut that part of the wall out and take it with us. I hope he knows that I am not kidding. With life being so crazy there have been NO baby book entries stating their shapes and size. Truth be told, there just are NO baby books at all. Thats what blogs are for right?

The first couple of years for all three are kinda few and far between. Now that they are older, we make it a point to measure them a few times a year. As you can see, they have a lot in common with their sizes. All three are pretty much the same at year 3 and now year 4.

1 comment:

  1. so cute! We do our kids heights on a door jam :) So fun to watch the comparisons!
