Monday, July 12, 2010

First day of preschool......again!

So excited!

My babies are getting so big!

We're here.......

Let us in Miss Michelle!

And still smiling when I picked them up!

They did great!!! They even got to celebrate their birthdays.

Today Griffen and Avary started their new preschool. The other one closed, so they have been out of school since May. They were so excited to go back! First thing out of Avarys mouth was, "can I get dressed?". She normally puts that off until about lunch. Drop off went well, although at one point after we got there Avary started gurgling a bit. I thought for sure she was going to yack, but all was good. Nerves I guess. Jackson didn't understand what the excitement was all about. He made sure and told them that, "for the next 14 years AT LEAST, you both will be in school". Talk about buzz kill! Oh well. They came home and were so excited to show me that they have their very own..........FOLDERS! Yes, it doesn't take much to please these two. I have to say I was very excited to see that in these folders was a little sheet of paper that told me everything they did today from what they ate for snack and lunch, if they ate snack and lunch, if they had any 'issues' with anyone or anything and just how their day went! Kinda made me feel like I was there, but I know I wasn't ;)

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