Monday, July 5, 2010

4th of July night fun with great friends!

Water balloon fun!

Jackson and some friends eating dinner.

Caitlin, Bella and Avary cooling off.

Boys being boys, ruling the streets!

Bubble fun!

Lea and Avary just being cute!

"Hey there ladies."

Still ruling the streets......

Sparkler fun for him, sparkler anxiety for me.

Waiting for the fireworks to begin!

Keira and Avary enjoying the show!

Some of the little friends we spent the 4th with!

Me, Julie, Megan, Michelle, Stacey and Casey!

I am lucky enough to be friends with my kids friends moms. That makes for lots of fun times!

Jason, Eric, Craig, Dan and Brian.

Same goes for Craig!

This is a funny bunch of guys!
All of us and the end of the night!

This 4th of July we were invited to spend time with our great friends. The kids all had a blast hanging out all day, from the parade to midnight! It was a lot of fun for everyone!

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