Saturday, July 10, 2010

River fun with friends!

Dan, Nick, Jackson and Craig ready to jump in!

Avary getting ready to jump!

1 , 2 , 3 , J U M P !

OMG! My baby girl!
The big boys fishing off the dock.

Craig and Jackson getting ready to jump!

Craig jumping the wall!


All the kids, all smiles, all day!

Snack time!

Keira, Avary and Bella.

Avary and Keira floating!

It looks like he was running from me, but he wasn't, I don't think.....

Spraying anyone who looked hot, or just anyone who happened to be close enough!

Driving the boat ;)

He is just getting so big.
9 years old in just one week. That is just crazy to me.

Sharks and Minnows!
They could have played this all afternoon.

Avary and Craig 'wimming'!
She absolutely loved the water.

Caitlin and Avary just swimming around. Too cute :)

Going out for ride!

The girls, Claire, Avary, Keira, Bella and Caitlin.
*Notice Avary's new smile, sans top lip. I remember Jackson doing the same thing at this age. For whatever reason, she forgot how to do her other smile :)

Jackson on the look-out to see who to spray next.

Griffen getting ready to throw a ball at me!

It was cold, but felt so good!

Avary waiting for me to get the guts to jump in!

Jackson and his buddy Zack.

Jumpin' Jackson!
He was non-stop all day!

We spent today at the river celebrating a friends 30th birthday! Happy Birthday Megan!! Her family has a river house which made for a perfect day. From boating, swimming, lounging, and ping pong, we all had a lot of fun. Between all of us, there were 17 kids and 15 adults.

Avary, Jackson, Craig and other friends jumping off the breaker wall. It is a very blurry video, but still a must see!


  1. FUN! I totally cannot believe Jackson will be 9. AND I totally remember him smiling like Avary is!!
    I want a house on the river, BTW

  2. I'm thinking we need to infiltrate your group of friends! You guys always look like you are having a blast!!
