All blown up and ready to go! We had this all figured out as well. Drop the guys off at the gas station to fill up the rafts while we park the trucks and meet them at the docks!
We sent the guys in to buy rafts for us to float the river. As you can see, they were ABSOLUTELY THRILLED!
All of us!
Matt, Craig and Brent enjoying the deck!
Craig and I had an awesome vacation in Tahoe this last week. We rented a home in Carnelian Bay with our friends Brent and Karri and Matt and Blythe. It was absolutely a blast! There were many times our faces hurt from laughing so hard! We did everything from hiking down to Emerald Bay, floating down the Truckee River TWICE (SO FUN!!!!), a little gambling, hot tubbing and a lot of relaxing. It was a week long laugh! This was my first time away from the kids for more than two nights. Although I missed them all so bad it hurt, we had so much fun our time there just flew by. We couldn't have asked for better company :)