Saturday, July 5, 2014

Painting Class With Miss Jardin.

Griffens 1st/2nd grade teacher, Miss Jardin, invited me to join her this morning for a little painting class.  It was held at a place called Uncorked Canvas.  Uncorked you ask?  Yes, there was wine, but believe it or not, I stuck with Diet Coke.  The class had about 15 ladies.  We were all given a blank canvas, 3 paint brushes, a cup of water, and a plate with paint.  The instructor walked us through each step making it so easy.  

From this....

to this......

to this!  

A girl on a swing!
It was so fun and nice to see her again.  
Griffen did tell me on the way out, "Mom, if she asks if I've been doing my summer reading, tell her no because my mom won't take me to the library."
Um, message not given.  Punk.

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