Friday, July 4, 2014

If you look closely.

In an attempt to be on time with G and A's 8th Birthday, I made their cake today. Tomorrow is full with out of town guests and I thought it might be rude to make their cake the morning of their birthday. So here I am, at home, sweating in a hot kitchen while the rest of my family is poolside having beers and smoothies brought to them.
Probably even fries with ranch.......
Actually, there's no other place I'd rather be. Making this cake means we made it!  We made it another whole year!  Sure, there were times that I might have lit my own candle and made a wish that I lived on a different planet, but I was only kidding.  Another year of watching these two amazing little humans become the not so little humans has been a journey.  
Griffen is becoming more and more of a caring young man.  He is always putting others first.  I've also noticed his independence.  I love this.  Being a twin means there is usually a strong one.  
He is it.  He is capable in every situation he falls into.  
I love that about him. 

Avary, oh Avary.  This child has taught me more this year than I ever thought possible.  I have an almost 13 year old for crying out loud!  I thought I knew everything there was to know about parenting.  She has proven me wrong.  On several occasions.  
She is a fireball.  A strong, determined, talented fireball.  Her desire to want to learn is amazing.  She gives everything she has to everything she does. 

I love that about her.

Back to my cake..........
Twin A likes chocolate, twin B, vanilla. 
This year it's all in one pan!  
Less for Craig to drop!  HA!  He's never going to live that down.

As I was swirling an '8' into the batter I realized I've seen this image before.  In the first photo of them in my belly they looked just like this. I mean identical. 

Life is funny,
if you look closely.

1 comment:

  1. Some folks believe in coincidences. Not this one :) I believe your cake is a God-incidence. Your family is full of miracles
