Saturday, July 5, 2014

Happy 4th of July!

We are spoiled living by water. Not only is it pretty, but every 4th of July we get a 3+ hour show of fireworks.  It's nonstop.  We sat in the back of Craigs truck and enjoyed the nights festivities until the kids asked if we could leave. They'd seen enough. :)
Never knew you could see too many fireworks.

Griffen sporting his USA scarf to "keep the smoke away from my heart".  ;)

We even got a "that was fun!" from this one.

This one was done before the show even began.  Staying up late is hard to do.

Luckily some fireworks went off before it got dark.

Right over our heads. 

Thankful for our freedom to enjoy the show. 

Happy 4th of July

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