Friday, July 18, 2014

Avarys 2nd swim meet.

Parenting is tough.  Not saying 'I told you so' is even more tough.  Avary went into this swim meet wanting it all.  ALL.  Her goal was to do all 6 events AND get all 1st place ribbons.  Not even the 12 year olds do 6 events.  That's a lot of swimming.  Good news is that she met her goal of events, bad news, if you will, she got slower and slower as the day went on.  I could see the look of disappointment in her eyes, but knew she was learning a great lesson.  Tough on a mommys heart, but also proud that she did today all on her own.  She swam her determined heart out.  She got in the pool every single time her event was called.  She high-fived friends as they competed for the same 1st place spot.  She made me SO proud.

Quick pep talk from daddy during lunch.  He's a swimmer.  He knows the swimmer language.  I do not.  I am there for moral support and sunscreen application.  And, occasionally the tightening of the goggles.

She's amazing.  
Amazing Grace.


2 - 1st place
2 - 2nd place
2 - 3rd place

Maybe 6 events isn't too many. 
I told you so. 

1 comment:

  1. She's testing her own limits. That's unteachable. Her Mom and Dad are there for her always. Unbeatable. Amazing Grace.
