Saturday, July 12, 2014

Lucky dog, lucky dog, I'm a lucky dog!

Today was a big day for Ally.  She not only got to go on her first back of the truck ride,

she got to go swimming!
Avary has been asking for-ev-er if Ally knew how to swim.  I told her we would find out during a time that Craig was with us, just in case.........

She was NOT interested. 
 G & A had to coax her with a ball.

She eventually did prove that she could, then quickly headed back to shore.
With disgust.

Avary and her crabs........

At one point she just stood still.  
Didn't budge.

The beach we went to had a giant tree swing.
Fun times!

"take me home, please."

Oh my gawd.  
I'm sounding like my mom.  
My dog doesn't talk.  

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