Wednesday, August 6, 2014


A little tribute to my 'larger than life' Papa my dad wrote.

Nana, dad, uncle Phil and Papa.

Sydney Palmer Bartlett
Retired general contractor Syd Bartlett passed away in Sacramento on July 16th at the age of 90. He is survived by the love of his life and wife of sixty-seven years, Marge, his two sons Rick and Dan (Kim), his daughter-in-law Kathie, eightgrandchildren, and three great-grandchildren. He was preceded in death by his son Phil and grandson Matt.
Those who knew him in business regarded Syd as the consummate professional - at all times ethical, fair-minded, and unwavering in his commitment to his clients and his craft. He was respected by his competitors and beloved by those whose labors brought his jobs to life. The many ways in which he touched those around him can best be measured by the many friendships that grew from the work he loved. In every regard, he was seen as someone worth knowing.
In June of 1947, Syd took the hand of Marjorie Albright in marriage, embarking on a journey through life that transcended highs and lows and incalculable loss to grow into something precious and permanent - a union unbroken even by his passing. Syd’s final conscious act was to blow a kiss to Marge - their love defined without a word being spoken.  
To his children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren, “Papa” was the rock on which we stood. By his example, he showed us how to be strong and kind, firm and forgiving, and always true to ourselves and our word. In his not-so-serious times, he enjoyed teasing anyone and everyone and especially savored those occasions when someone responded with a well-placed shot across his bow. As a grandfather and great-grandfather, Syd loved taking in all the hubbub and chaos that surrounded him. His family and his work were his life and he embraced both with untiring devotion. Until the very end, he was never truly satisfied that he’d seen enough, done enough, or lived enough. Lesser men would have settled for less.
Syd was a member of Rotary International for nearly fifty years,a call to service inspired by his father. Honored as a Paul Harris Fellow, Syd was also presented with The Quiet Rotarian award on two occasions for his work in service to others “without fanfare or desire for credit.”
No memorial will be held at this time.

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