Saturday, August 16, 2014

Leavenworth or BUST!

One of the hardest parts about moving to a new area is making new friends.  
That's a lie.  A complete and utter lie.  Don't believe a word of it.  
We have been so lucky with the open arms that we have received after moving to the PNW.  This is just another great example.  Our friends Darrin and Kathleen invited our family on their family vacation.  Say what?!?!  Yup!  They even wanted us in their family photo.  
Pretty special people, they are.

We went to a town called Leavenworth, Wa. and stayed at a place called  
It was an awesome weekend.

The kids BBQ'd s'mores because of rain.  That's what I call being a team player.  Roll with it!

Kids card night was also enjoyed by all.

Avary, MacKenna and Mo.

Crazy twirling girls!

Tower building boys!

Jackson, Max, MacKenna, Avary, Griffen and Mo.

Huckleberry Griffen.


Even J got in on the fishing fun!


Avary, MacKenna and Peyton splish splashin' the days away.

Riding through the woods.

Not too bad of a sky to look at every night.

get it?
bring your own bike

Love this little suggestion.

Thank you, Moloznik family!

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful, wonderful, WONDERFUL! How did you find each other. Looks like a perfect match :)
