Sunday, August 17, 2014

Griffen, Avary and Jackson meet Grandpa John. Grandpa John meet Griffen, Avary and Jackson.

So, this is a big deal.  Huge actually.  And it was AWESOME!  So unbelievably awesome that I barely got any photos to capture it all.  I don't really know how to put it all into words.   This whole experience of meeting my dad has been done backwards.  Your dad is usually the one who knows you better than your friends.  Better than your husband and your children.  But, sometimes life messes with you a bit and when that happens you put on your big girl panties and you deal with it.  And I am.  We are.  My whole family is.  We are dealing with the fact that we are so lucky to have this time to get to know my dad, Grandpa John.
Life changing.  

Kids are amazing.  They are so resilient to situations that are thrown at them.  Most of the time, they don't even have a choice in the matter.  I am so very thankful that mine took this with smiles and excitement.  

Can't wait until we can get together S'More.


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