Sunday, August 17, 2014

Little Did We Know!


Our three British guys that we were able to host last week!
Jackson and Griffen participated in a British soccer camp.  They did it last summer and loved it.  This year however, we were asked to host a coach.  And that we did!  All 3 of them!  
It's a funny story actually.

About two weeks before the camp was to take place we received an email asking the families of participants to be willing to host a coach for the week.  The only responsibilities would be to make sure the coach had a place to sleep, food to eat and transportation to and from camp.  Easy enough!  We have food, a bed and a car!  Bring it! 
Craig and I agreed that we would host one coach.  One coach.  We thought that it would be an amazing experience to watch the kids learn about someone else and the journeys some lives have taken and are still taking.  Besides, what's one more person in the house......
He went to the meeting spot to meet up with the director and bring our coach home.  
He brought 3 of them home.  

Good news is, it was by far the best family decision we have ever made.  Bad news, we only had them for a week.

Their initials that just so happen to spell lad.  
How's that for coincidence?!

Luke with Griffen and Avary.

Daniel, Adam and Luke with Jackson.
Jackson was in heaven with these guys.  He's always wanted an older brother.

These two were crazy together. 
 Luke is one patient guy for putting up with her.

Daniel and Jackson looking through a soccer book.  
Quick buddies.

They even struggled with us to get a photo.

Our new 'family' portrait!
I'm thinking Christmas card???

Sight seeing and chowder eating.
Craig introduced them to the Monte Cristo sandwich.  They LOVED it!
"I just can't imagine putting jam on a sandwich like this."
(said in my best British accent)

The view they got to see from the top of the Seattle ferris wheel.

This was a first experience for us and one that our family will never forget.
Little did we know that a week with these three would forever change us. 
We hope they come back some day.

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