Friday, August 22, 2014



Madison and Avary being Madison and Avary. They are too much. 

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Saved the best for last!

Jackson had his day at work with me.  We pulled a 9:30-4:30 shift!  
He rocked it.

Let's just hope there is no writing assignment for my children regarding what they did over the summer.  

Assignment or no assignment, memories were made.  

First sleep over camp!

Avary is attending camp this week at a camp called Miracle Ranch.  She has been loving every minute of it.  We missed the deadline last year, but not this year!  On Wednesday nights the camp goers have the option of staying the night.  They had her at s'mores.  Just like her mommy, her choices usually depend on food.  Don't judge.

I can't wait to hear all about it tomorrow.

Griffen had a hard time letting her go this morning.

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Because we live in paradise.....

    we can enjoy kayaking before dinner. 



Marcus Hahnemann in the stands!

Don't look now Jackson, but Marcus Hahnemann is to your left!


Marcus is a goalkeeper for the Sounders. Jackson was so nervous, but still found the courage to go up to him and take a photo!  


Kayak Fun!


Sunday, August 17, 2014

Tubing the bay.

Avary was invited by her friends Reese and Finn for a day of tubing fun!  As you can see, the three of them had a blast!

Time with sweet Nana.

Me and my Nana.
I can't help but secretly sing "Isn't She Lovely" in my head every time I see her.
Because she is.  She is so very lovely.

I love her.  With my Papas passing, it only seemed right to go to Sacramento and give my Nana a hug.  Gently though.  And only on her right side.

Jackson was my sidekick for the weekend.  He brought Nana that extra bit of sunshine that she so needed.

We even got to check out her new place, and take a selfie.
At her request.  That's how cool of a Nana she is.  

Little Did We Know!


Our three British guys that we were able to host last week!
Jackson and Griffen participated in a British soccer camp.  They did it last summer and loved it.  This year however, we were asked to host a coach.  And that we did!  All 3 of them!  
It's a funny story actually.

About two weeks before the camp was to take place we received an email asking the families of participants to be willing to host a coach for the week.  The only responsibilities would be to make sure the coach had a place to sleep, food to eat and transportation to and from camp.  Easy enough!  We have food, a bed and a car!  Bring it! 
Craig and I agreed that we would host one coach.  One coach.  We thought that it would be an amazing experience to watch the kids learn about someone else and the journeys some lives have taken and are still taking.  Besides, what's one more person in the house......
He went to the meeting spot to meet up with the director and bring our coach home.  
He brought 3 of them home.  

Good news is, it was by far the best family decision we have ever made.  Bad news, we only had them for a week.

Their initials that just so happen to spell lad.  
How's that for coincidence?!

Luke with Griffen and Avary.

Daniel, Adam and Luke with Jackson.
Jackson was in heaven with these guys.  He's always wanted an older brother.

These two were crazy together. 
 Luke is one patient guy for putting up with her.

Daniel and Jackson looking through a soccer book.  
Quick buddies.

They even struggled with us to get a photo.

Our new 'family' portrait!
I'm thinking Christmas card???

Sight seeing and chowder eating.
Craig introduced them to the Monte Cristo sandwich.  They LOVED it!
"I just can't imagine putting jam on a sandwich like this."
(said in my best British accent)

The view they got to see from the top of the Seattle ferris wheel.

This was a first experience for us and one that our family will never forget.
Little did we know that a week with these three would forever change us. 
We hope they come back some day.

Griffen, Avary and Jackson meet Grandpa John. Grandpa John meet Griffen, Avary and Jackson.

So, this is a big deal.  Huge actually.  And it was AWESOME!  So unbelievably awesome that I barely got any photos to capture it all.  I don't really know how to put it all into words.   This whole experience of meeting my dad has been done backwards.  Your dad is usually the one who knows you better than your friends.  Better than your husband and your children.  But, sometimes life messes with you a bit and when that happens you put on your big girl panties and you deal with it.  And I am.  We are.  My whole family is.  We are dealing with the fact that we are so lucky to have this time to get to know my dad, Grandpa John.
Life changing.  

Kids are amazing.  They are so resilient to situations that are thrown at them.  Most of the time, they don't even have a choice in the matter.  I am so very thankful that mine took this with smiles and excitement.  

Can't wait until we can get together S'More.


Um, excuse me!

A note from the boys that was waiting for me the other day.......

How do you really feel? 

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Leavenworth or BUST!

One of the hardest parts about moving to a new area is making new friends.  
That's a lie.  A complete and utter lie.  Don't believe a word of it.  
We have been so lucky with the open arms that we have received after moving to the PNW.  This is just another great example.  Our friends Darrin and Kathleen invited our family on their family vacation.  Say what?!?!  Yup!  They even wanted us in their family photo.  
Pretty special people, they are.

We went to a town called Leavenworth, Wa. and stayed at a place called  
It was an awesome weekend.

The kids BBQ'd s'mores because of rain.  That's what I call being a team player.  Roll with it!

Kids card night was also enjoyed by all.

Avary, MacKenna and Mo.

Crazy twirling girls!

Tower building boys!

Jackson, Max, MacKenna, Avary, Griffen and Mo.

Huckleberry Griffen.


Even J got in on the fishing fun!


Avary, MacKenna and Peyton splish splashin' the days away.

Riding through the woods.

Not too bad of a sky to look at every night.

get it?
bring your own bike

Love this little suggestion.

Thank you, Moloznik family!