Monday, June 30, 2014

Summertime Simplicity

I feel like I've deprived them of one of the simplest things in life. 

Today, while playing with the hose in the front yard, G and A said they were thirsty. With them being soaking wet and me dirty, I simply said to 'get a drink from the hose'. Crickets. Absolute freaking crickets. They both just stood there looking at each other and then me. And again. It was then I realized, MY CHILDREN HAVE NEVER HAD A DRINK FROM THE HOSE!  How have I let this happen and what else have I failed at? Well, I know how it happened. Germs are how it happened.  Germs are a 4 letter word in this house, plus another, because they are just that bad.  But guess what?!  Germs Shmerms!  My children will drink from the hose all summer long!  And most importantly, they will be smiling while they do it. 

Drink on, my Lubs!

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