Friday, June 13, 2014

Field Day for Griffen and Avary

Field Day is a free-play day outside with everything from bounce houses, tug-a-war, crab soccer, volley ball, kick ball, jail break, sno-cones, popcorn, basketball, pizza, lemonade  and whatever else I am forgetting about.  
As you can imagine, fun was had by all.  The parent volunteers in this school are AMAZING!  

Griffens class just before they were let loose for the day.
Must mention, I have had the opportunity to be in this classroom every Wednesday this school year.  These 26 STARS are the sweetest, most caring kids I have ever been around.  
For real.

Griffen on a mission from one bounce house, to the other, to the other.
I was responsible for this area.  Can I just say the smell of children's nasty, dirty, dusty, smelly shoes is still stuck in my nose.  I don't do shoes.  I barely do my own children's shoes.  I must've pissed off who ever was in charge of parent placement.  
I WILL find out who you are.........

Crab Soccer.

Tuggin and a Warrin!

Go Crabby Patty!

This photo cracks me up!  Notice how Avary is the only girl in the battle for the ball.
That's how she rolls.
(get it?)

Avary taking a break from jail break for a photo op. Atta girl. 

Before the days festivities begin, there is a school parade.  Starting with the Kindergarteners, ending with the 5th graders.  It's a pretty neat thing to see.  As the line of students make their way to the field, the remaining student body cheers them on and high-fives them as the pass.  I might've even gotten a couple high fives.  There was one kid though that faked me.  

The line leader for each class holds a class flag that represents the class.  
Avarys class flag (Monkeys)

Griffens class flag (Stars)

It was a dirty, dusty, sweaty day.  
And they wouldn't of had it any other way.

1 comment:

  1. I'm thinkin Purdy must be the best school in the whole, wide world! Love, Goosie
