Friday, June 20, 2014

Day 1 in the books!

Well, today we had plans to go for a wilderness hike. Those were quickly scratched as soon as we parked the car and saw signs posted at the entrance to the trail that read there had been a mother bear and cub sighting.  Nuff said.  No words were spoken. We all just turned around and got back in the car. The great thing about living in the harbor, you can just drive another mile or so down the road and there is a whole new adventure waiting for you. We ended up over the Purdy Spit. On the side of the road. Another thing about living here, the sides of the roads are amazing. Truly. It's either the ocean or the woods. Either way, you win. 

Three stumps for my three bumps. 

Avary was determined to catch a crab.
 They were just as determined not to let her. 

We caught a shell though. That's more our speed. 

Jackson threatening to throw nasty seaweed on the twins. 

Crab hunting. 

  Crab hunting. Still. 

Crab hunting. Relentless. 

Not too bad for the first day of summer vacation. 

1 comment:

  1. Jackson, you were born to be a big brother. Teasing, hugging, chasing, caring .. ypu've got it covered, Eighth Grader. Keep smiling! You are loved!!! Goosie :)
