Monday, June 30, 2014

Summertime Simplicity

I feel like I've deprived them of one of the simplest things in life. 

Today, while playing with the hose in the front yard, G and A said they were thirsty. With them being soaking wet and me dirty, I simply said to 'get a drink from the hose'. Crickets. Absolute freaking crickets. They both just stood there looking at each other and then me. And again. It was then I realized, MY CHILDREN HAVE NEVER HAD A DRINK FROM THE HOSE!  How have I let this happen and what else have I failed at? Well, I know how it happened. Germs are how it happened.  Germs are a 4 letter word in this house, plus another, because they are just that bad.  But guess what?!  Germs Shmerms!  My children will drink from the hose all summer long!  And most importantly, they will be smiling while they do it. 

Drink on, my Lubs!

Sunday, June 29, 2014

Saturday, June 28, 2014

Lane 22

"I'm bored" x 3 = let's go bowling.  After a week of company, Craig and I were hoping for a nice, quiet, nap taking Saturday. WRONG!  Bowling usually makes everyone happy. Today, 2 out of 3 were easy to please. The other simply came for the food.  He might take after his mother. 

My treat for the day, Key Lime Shake. 
That's what I'm talkin' bout!!

Strawberry Thief

I'm thinking Griffen owes us all an apology. 

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Being a twin means;

Always having a buddy to play with.

These two have it down.  Having a blast with each other one minute and then threatening the others life, all in 5 minute intervals.
Luckily, they always end up on the right side of the cycle.

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Four Generations of Love


My mom came up for the week and brought my Gram. 
She is my most favorite person in the whole wide world.  

I love that the kids are able to spend time with not only their Grandma, but also their Great Gram. 
Makes a mommy smile. 

Monday, June 23, 2014

Swim team begins

Avary joined the Canterwood Swim Team this summer. Today was the first day and she did GREAT!
It amazes me what a natural she is at anything she tries.  She makes growing up look so easy.

Thank goodness for friends turning the BIG four-oh!

This past weekend, Craig spent a few days in Sunriver, Oregon, helping one of his best buddies celebrate his 40th Birthday. They were able to enjoy everything from golfing, to fishing, to hanging out and lounging. Never a dull moment with these guys. 

Craig and Brent.  Two of the funniest people I know.
And, I know a lot of people.

My man.

I mean really.  When I grow up I want to be a tree in Sunriver.    

I guess if you have to get old, you should celebrate it in an amazingly, beautiful place.  Right?!

Happy Birthday, Brent.
Here's to many more!

Friday, June 20, 2014

Clearly, there's an artist in the family.

Griffen had to do an animal report for his end of year project. He chose the Bald Eagle. We have been very privileged seeing quite a few of these flying above, since living here. There have even been a few recess sightings. What other 2nd graders can say that?!  
Pretty amazing. 

Day 1 in the books!

Well, today we had plans to go for a wilderness hike. Those were quickly scratched as soon as we parked the car and saw signs posted at the entrance to the trail that read there had been a mother bear and cub sighting.  Nuff said.  No words were spoken. We all just turned around and got back in the car. The great thing about living in the harbor, you can just drive another mile or so down the road and there is a whole new adventure waiting for you. We ended up over the Purdy Spit. On the side of the road. Another thing about living here, the sides of the roads are amazing. Truly. It's either the ocean or the woods. Either way, you win. 

Three stumps for my three bumps. 

Avary was determined to catch a crab.
 They were just as determined not to let her. 

We caught a shell though. That's more our speed. 

Jackson threatening to throw nasty seaweed on the twins. 

Crab hunting. 

  Crab hunting. Still. 

Crab hunting. Relentless. 

Not too bad for the first day of summer vacation. 

Thursday, June 19, 2014

End of Year School Bus Shenanigans!

One of the joys of riding the school bus is the celebration on the last day of school.  In our neighborhood, moms, dads and older siblings wait patiently for the bus to pull up and make its final delivery of all of our crazy, excited, exhausted, SUMMER chanting children.  Then SURPRISE, silly string and water guns galore.  The kids know this is going to happen, yet you'd never know by the look of pure joy and excitement on their little faces. 
Every year.

From the beginning of 7th grade to the end.

What a ride that was!
Not going to lie, I needed my seatbelt for a lot of it.
But, he's worth it.

So very proud of this kid.  

It takes courage to grow up and become who you really are

8th grade, here he comes!

First day of 2nd grade to the last......

With SO many memories and giggles in between.

"It has been an amazing two years having Avary in my class.  Her effort in class was tremendous.  Avary is AWESOME!"  ~ Mr. Cleary

"Griffen is one of the kindest, most caring kids I have ever met.  He impressed me weekly with his generous spirit.  He was always supportive and caring to others.  He was a true joy to have in my class." ~ Miss Jardin

3rd Grade here they come!!

A monkey tribute.

Avary's teacher, Mr. Cleary, made this little video for the students and parents. I had to share. It's short, but sweet. Make sure your volume is on. 

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Happy Fathers Day!

What Is A Dad?

A dad is someone who wants to catch you before you fall, but instead picks you up, brushes you off, and lets you try again. 

A dad is someone who
wants to keep you from making mistakes, but instead lets you find your own way, even though his heart breaks in silence when you get hurt. 

A dad is someone who
holds you when you cry,
scolds you when you break the rules,
shines with pride when you succeed,
and has faith in you even when you fail...

They couldn't be more lucky to have him as theirs. 

Friday, June 13, 2014

We finished what we started,

barely.  Let's just say softball is not our favorite sport. There might've been a few challenges along the way getting someone in the car to go to practices and games weekly. 
Yup, pretty sure there was. 
BUT, we made it. 

These coaches were amazingly patient. 
Maybe because they didn't have to shove her in the car?

When all is said and done, she smiles.
Makes it worth it.

A memory.  This was the first time they played T-Ball.

Field Day for Griffen and Avary

Field Day is a free-play day outside with everything from bounce houses, tug-a-war, crab soccer, volley ball, kick ball, jail break, sno-cones, popcorn, basketball, pizza, lemonade  and whatever else I am forgetting about.  
As you can imagine, fun was had by all.  The parent volunteers in this school are AMAZING!  

Griffens class just before they were let loose for the day.
Must mention, I have had the opportunity to be in this classroom every Wednesday this school year.  These 26 STARS are the sweetest, most caring kids I have ever been around.  
For real.

Griffen on a mission from one bounce house, to the other, to the other.
I was responsible for this area.  Can I just say the smell of children's nasty, dirty, dusty, smelly shoes is still stuck in my nose.  I don't do shoes.  I barely do my own children's shoes.  I must've pissed off who ever was in charge of parent placement.  
I WILL find out who you are.........

Crab Soccer.

Tuggin and a Warrin!

Go Crabby Patty!

This photo cracks me up!  Notice how Avary is the only girl in the battle for the ball.
That's how she rolls.
(get it?)

Avary taking a break from jail break for a photo op. Atta girl. 

Before the days festivities begin, there is a school parade.  Starting with the Kindergarteners, ending with the 5th graders.  It's a pretty neat thing to see.  As the line of students make their way to the field, the remaining student body cheers them on and high-fives them as the pass.  I might've even gotten a couple high fives.  There was one kid though that faked me.  

The line leader for each class holds a class flag that represents the class.  
Avarys class flag (Monkeys)

Griffens class flag (Stars)

It was a dirty, dusty, sweaty day.  
And they wouldn't of had it any other way.