Sunday, October 24, 2010

Avary, "Ah, now her has a famblee!"

So, after many months of thinking & planning, we surprised the kids with a trip to a wonderful place called Homeward Bound.  It is a rescue home for Golden Retrievers that happen to be affected by the economy or just need a new, loving home.
Griffen, Avary and Jackson were all super excited.  Luckily our appointment was at 2:00 and we told them a little after 1:00.  For even just the half hour before we left it was "When are we going to leave?" times three ;)
We got there and were overwhelmed by all the adorable Golden Retrievers.  I have grown up around these dogs and have always loved them.  Craig is a new golden lover, but enjoyed it just the same.  It was pouring rain and of course you meet and play with the dogs outside.  Even with water dripping off our faces we had smiles on the whole time.  We met a couple of 'candidates' and then made our decision.......

meet Ally!

 Griffen said to Avary, "Wow Grace, you picked out a nice dog!"
She just looked at him like, yah, you were there too. 

She is a little over one year old and so far, so good.  We are off to a good start!  She is already house broken, crate trained and sits and shakes.  She LOVES to play fetch.  It will be a learning experience for us all, but she is an awesome addition to our "famblee"!!

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Pumpkins, pumpkins everywhere!

On a hay ride!

 Avary pulling Griffen and their little friend, Paulo.
These are the Three Musketeers!

 The hunt for the most perfect pumpkin begins.

 Some of us thought that there were just too many to choose from ;)

 Still looking.....

 Getting back on the tractor with our pumpkins. 

 The top of the corn pyramid!

 Griffen was so sick, but was a champ all night.  He just didn't want to miss out on anything.

 The hay trampoline!  All fun and games until people start throwing hay.
"I think I have some hay in my eyes."

 Dessert potluck is sure to please everyone.

 Griffen thought it was hilarious to pretend to be scared by the scare-a-crow.  He could have done this all night.

Griffen and Avarys school had a field trip to a pumpkin patch lastnight.  It was very fun for everyone.  A bit of a drive, but worth it.
We got to go on a hayride, pick our pumpkins fresh from the vine, jump on trampolines and bounce houses, look at smelly pigs and cows, climb the hay pyramid, do the corn maze and eats TONS of snacks with all of their buddies from school.  We had so much fun, Avary woke up with hay in her bed this morning.  :)

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

So easy, so good and so fun to share!

Griffen and Avary have a dessert potluck at the pumpkin patch tomorrow night!  Desserts can get messy so I decided to go the cookie route.  We make these every fall and decided to again today for tomorrow.  I thought I would share the recipe for either bake sales coming up or just sharing with your neighbors BOO basket :)

Pumpkin Cookies

1 cup softened shortening (I use Crisco-butter flavor)
2 cups of sugar
4 eggs
2 cups of canned pumpkin
4 cups of flour
8 tsp. of baking powder
2 tsp. of salt
5 tsp. of cinnamon
1/2 tsp. of ginger
1 tsp. of nutmeg
1 cup of raisins
1 cup of chopped walnuts (if you like nuts)

Mix it all together in a big bowl.  Drop by the spoonful on a greased baking sheet and bake at 400^ for 10 minutes.

Drizzle with frosting if you would like or just sprinkle with powdered sugar. 

I know this is a big recipe, 4 dozen, but they are so good, they won't last.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Apple Hill Visit!

I love this time of year.

 Avary loves her popcorn!

 Avary thinking about sharing her popcorn.

 Sad, but true......

 Avary's first EVER face painting!

Where there is a hill, there is a race!


People watching.  Jacksons face cracks me up.

 "Wow, this is a zooper old tractor."

 "Ok, these are the ones I would like."

We took our annual Apple Hill trip this past weekend.  As always, a lot of fun with A LOT of people.  I don't know if I am just getting old and cranky or if there seemed to be an odd amount of people with the same idea this weekend.  Even with the crowds, we had a great time eating fresh apples and picking out our pumpkins for the season.

Monday, October 4, 2010

This has Avary's snot, I mean name written all over it.

Sitting at the table, I looked over to the bottom book shelf and what did I find?  A pile of used, nasty tissues hidden behind a photo.  Who might have done this you ask??  Easy.  Her name starts with an A and ends with a vary. 

Tea Party!

Avary was invited to help her friend Bella celebrate her 6th Birthday.  It was at this cute little place called Olivia's Doll House!  All the girls got to pick their dresses, shoes, jewelry, purse and make-up!  It was super cute and a lot of fun.

 Waiting in line for hair and make-up ;)

 Still waiting.......

 Waiting is always easier when you have a friend with you. 
Avary and Haidyn

 And here it goes.........

 a handful of 'glue' and TONS of bobby pins and.........

 A princess is made!

 Just some of the fabulous shoes that were chosen.

 How pretty are they?
Haidyn, Keira, Caitlin, QUEEN BELLA, Lola, Avary, Audrey, Paige, Anna, Claire and Dylan.

 The finished project, minus one earring that got lost in the last photo op.

 Waiting patiently for the 'tea bell' to ring.

 Doing the princess walk and blowing kisses.

 Mirror, mirror on the wall, whose the fairest of them all?

 Avary and Haidyn!

 Getting fluffed before the fashion show.

 Waiting to dig in!

 Hot dogs, pizza, sandwiches OH MY!