Monday, August 16, 2010

Ah man.

So lastnight after tucking Griffen and Avary in, I walked past their room and heard Griffen crying. I went in and asked him what he needed. He looked up at me with his sad little eyes and said, "Mom, why when I was in you belly, my heart did not get made the right way?" It absolutely took my breath away. Our poor little guy gets it, which is good, but oh so sad. From day one his Cardiologist has told us to be open with him about his heart condition and his restrictions (lifting heavy objects in a huge no-no). I explained to him that these things happen for a reason and that everyone is different. I tried to make it easy for him by saying that my eyes didn't get made the right way when I was in Mimis belly (my mom) so now I wear glasses, but am totally fine. He said he understood, but just wants to lift heavy toys and trucks. After more tears from both he AND I, I assured him that Dr. Wright is going to make sure that some day he will be able to do just that. I know that parenting is hard, but man, that was tough. Leave it to Avary to put her spin on things. She sat straight up out of bed and says with a huge smile, "My heart is just fine. I can lift whatever I want!" Not a day goes by that I don't know how blessed we are to have Griffen in our lives. He is my superstar and continues to amaze me!

1 comment:

  1. Wow, Shelby, what a touching post.

    Have you seen this article I wrote? on page 8-9

    Might be something to share with Griffen now, or when he's a little older.
