Sunday, August 29, 2010

Just a perfect day!

It just seemed right going here to celebrate our anniversary!

Too far away, but still love it!

This tree was made to hold people!
It was like they were sitting on the palm of a hand.

Perfect grass area for rough housing!
These two are non-stop.

Me and my girl :)
Love her.
Not it!

Griffen trying his HARDEST to tag Craig!

Griffen being Griffen :)
Wouldn't have him any other way.

Ok, so yes it was posed, but they did it!
So sweet.

Jackson being Jackson!
I took this picture of us so I thought he was smiling......I should have known better ;)

Avary LOVES taking picutures. I hope it turns into something someday :)

Taken by Avary.

Taken by Avary too.

The vineyards dog!
Forget the wine, I want the dog!

Jackson, "I want THIS dog!"

Our view from our picnic blanket.
It was so relaxing.

Even the grapes were pretty.

To celebrate our 13th wedding anniversary, and my 13th year being a Young, we went to where else but, Young's Vineyard! It was recommended to us by one of my favorite people and it was AWESOME!! The weather was perfect and the surroundings couldn't have been better. We packed a picnic and blanket and had the best day. The kids had a blast playing on the grass area with the vineyards dogs and walking around exploring. I can't wait until we go back.

Friday, August 27, 2010

"I think my comb is stuck."

Griffen and Avary had class pictures taken today at school. As they always do, the photographer gave each child a comb to comb through all the hard work and time each mommy put into the routine this morning! I can't wait to see the pictures. I am just hoping and praying that Griffen didn't comb his hair straight down to sport the 'Harvey Milk' look, not that there is anything wrong with that. Anyway, on the way home I heard a little voice from the backseat say to me, "Mom, I think my comb MIGHT be stuck in my hair." Um, Avary, I think you MIGHT be right! The girl has been chewing gum for the past 2 years and has never had an issue getting it stuck in her hair, hand her a comb and all bets are off!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Beautiful Bella Bartlett

My Aunt Kim and Uncle Dan adopted a little girl last September and I FINALLY have a picture of her! This is Bella! She is amazing, strong and just a wonderful little gift to her mommy and daddy.

Doopid Bees.

The night it happened. We put baking soda on it.

Now this!

Griffen got stung 3 times LAST Wednesday on his arm. He started having a reaction THIS morning, 7 days later. It was hard to get a good picture of it, but it looks horrible. I took him to the doctors this morning and they think that the stingers are still in there. The best way to get them out......Elmers Glue! The doctor said to spread a light layer of glue on the bites and let it dry completely and then pull if off. Hopefully it works cause he is miserable :( "It itches, burns and hurts zooper bad." It must be pretty painful for him to complain. He is the toughest kid we got!


Sunday, August 22, 2010

The Chore Chart has landed.

As you can see, they are very simple chores. I don't want to scare them off right away ;)

Beds made-ish :)

Rooms clean-ish!

We have an official Chore Chart now! So far, so good. I made little bead magnets that are just fancy enough for G & A to WANT to earn one to put under their names. Jackson doesn't care so much about the fancyness, just doesn't want them to have more than him at the end of the day.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Calling all Princesses!

ADORABLE princess cupcake toothpicks!

Most of the princesses.

Avary was so excited to be able to decorate her four cupcakes all on her own.

As you can see, she took it very seriously.

Cooking up some lunch!

Putting the finishing touches on her tiara.

Avary was invited to a princess party this last week and actually got completely into it. It is hard to get her out of her t-shirts and plaid shorts, but she did it with a smile. She had so much fun being a princess with six other little princesses. They decorated cupcakes, made tiaras, beaded a necklace and jeweled up a wand! What more could a princess ask for?

Thursday, August 19, 2010

They might wanna change the name.

I am no marketing person or ever PR person, but really, Nutella? I am sure they are missing out on sales. Just saying. Have you tried this stuff? I know it has been around forever, but we have just been introduced to it (thanks to the little boy who let Jackson have a half of his sandwich at school the other day, which TOTALLY grosses me out. All I can picture is that boys germy hand handing Jackson food! YUCK!! But anyway, that is another post.). Our lives will never be the same. I have never even really checked it out because I thought it was some kinda peanut butter stuff. It is GOOD! Just think of melted chocolate in a jar. Our new favorite after school snack, graham crackers with this spread on it and a couple pieces of bananas!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

It may have taken me a while,

but I finally got it! The term, "You drive me to drinking" is all about motherhood and sharing every freaking drink you ever pour. It doesn't matter if your kid has the exact same thing in her pretty princess cup or his handsome tractor cup. THEY ALWAYS WANT MY CUP. It isn't pretty or handsome, IT IS MINE, atleast until they see me drinking out of it. Then it becomes ours. The only way around this is to have an alcoholic drink. Nothing serious, just a beer or wine or something. Oprah calls it a 'light bulb moment' I call it 'how do you like me know?' moment. Momma is having a beer and no you can't have "just a little sip". In order for me to have my very own drink, it must be alcoholic! Duh! Nobody ever told me this.

You call THIS a zucchini??

Good thing I had some in the fridge! This cooler summer has really put a wrench in our gardens success this year. We haven't been getting much out of it at all. Lastyear, we had tomatoes with breakfast, lunch and dinner. This year, NADA! Then this morning I find this pigmey of a zucchini! What is this world coming too?

What kinda mother am I?

As if the "salesman socks" weren't bad enough.

This "salesmans" toes are completely out of them! I mean really, they're like flip-flops! It makes me feel like I am suffocating just looking at this.