Sunday, June 20, 2010

Time for summer goodies!

Our poor vegtable garden has been waiting for a free weekend for some time now. This was it! We took everything out, except the crazy large artichoke plant that is still growing, and planted tomatoes (all different kinds), cucumbers, squash, zucchini, cantalope, and honeydew. We use a mixture of things for the dirt, one of which is a manure blend. As you can see, it was a very long ride home for poor Avary. She hates smells, especially after the boys were cracking up that we bought chicken poo. She was absolutely disgusted and gagged most of the way home. We'll see how grossed out she is when she starts to see all the yummy fruits and vegies starting to grow!

1 comment:

  1. you guys have given me the motivation to do this (next year that is :) ). the people before us put in rocks all along our side yard. I don't know why. We just left them because we haven't had a need for it. Somehow, over the winter I need to get my family to help me pull them all out and build garden beds for the spring/summer. I'll be having lots of questions for you :)
