Thursday, May 27, 2010

Jackson, "Mom, how old do you have to be to eat a twinkie?" said in a very serious way.

Me, said in a twinkie guarding way, "34!"

Did you know......

Twinkies by the Numbers:
◦500 million: The number of Twinkies baked each year.
◦10: The minutes it takes to bake a Twinkie.
◦1930: The year James Dewar invented the two-for-a-nickel treat.
◦150: The number of calories in one Twinkie.
◦50: The number of recipes in the Twinkies Cookbook.
◦7: The number of Twinkies needed to make the "Patriotic Twinkie Pie" recipe in the Twinkies Cookbook.
◦1: The rank of New Orleans in terms of per capita Twinkie consumption compared to other cities in the U.S.
◦1999: The year President Bill Clinton included Twinkies in the millennium time capsule.
◦26 days: The shelf life of a Twinkie.

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