Monday, April 5, 2010

Easter Celebration in Carson

This year we spent Easter weekend up at my moms house in Carson City. We had a lot of fun, although it started out very slow. On the way up there it started just dumping snow. Soon enough there was chain control. So what normally takes about 2 1/2 hours took us at least 4 hours. Oh well, nothing that a couple of movies couldn't help :) On Saturday we went to Home Depot (along with everyone else in Carson) so Griffen and Avary could do the Kids Clinic. They had a lot of fun building butterfly houses (didn't know there was such a thing) and then painting them. Later that day we learned "How to Train A Dragon!". I don't know what was more cute, the movie or seeing Griffen and Avary sit there with their 3D glasses on. The only problem was that Avary's little button nose just wasn't big enough to hold them up. They kept them on for almost the whole movie. Avary had a blast trying to catch everything as it came to her. She just kept saying, "Oh man, I almost got that!"  Griffen just kept repeating to himself, "this is just pretend.".  Super cute movie! Easter morning was fun too. The Easter Bunny left VERY full baskets and eggs in my moms backyard. It was freezing cold, but you would have never known by the smiles on the three little faces! 

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