Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Water Waster Sleep Walker!

Jackson has begun sleep walking. I don't know why now, but it is happening more and more. One night it was him coming in our room and fluffing the love-seat pillows and then sitting down like he was waiting for a show to start. Lastnight was by far the funniest. Craig and I were just about asleep and here he comes. He walked over and looked out the window. Then went back to the bedroom door and he stood there for a minute. Craig asked him what he needed. He just said, "What? Oh never mind." Then he walked in the bathroom, grabbed a towel, hung it up, turned on the shower and started to get undressed. Craig again asked him what he was doing. He just pulled up his clothes and went back to bed, leaving the shower on. So strange, but SO FUNNY!! I asked him about it this morning and he had no idea what I was talking about. We might need to put the baby gates back up just to keep him upstairs.

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