Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Ready, Set, Tumble

Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Water Waster Sleep Walker!
Jackson has begun sleep walking. I don't know why now, but it is happening more and more. One night it was him coming in our room and fluffing the love-seat pillows and then sitting down like he was waiting for a show to start. Lastnight was by far the funniest. Craig and I were just about asleep and here he comes. He walked over and looked out the window. Then went back to the bedroom door and he stood there for a minute. Craig asked him what he needed. He just said, "What? Oh never mind." Then he walked in the bathroom, grabbed a towel, hung it up, turned on the shower and started to get undressed. Craig again asked him what he was doing. He just pulled up his clothes and went back to bed, leaving the shower on. So strange, but SO FUNNY!! I asked him about it this morning and he had no idea what I was talking about. We might need to put the baby gates back up just to keep him upstairs.
Monday, April 26, 2010
The finishing touches!
Griffen and Avary have added about 14 coats of paint on their Butterfly Houses! Today was the last one (I think). I really hope that butterflies live in houses because they have put a lot of work into making these. Next step is finding where we are going to place them and me sticking butterflies in them so they aren't completely disappointed.
A reason to CeLeBrAtE !!!!!
Pretty Bird (said in my best parrot voice)
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Monday, April 19, 2010
Take Me Out To The Ball Game!
Packed up and ready to hit the road! It kinda looked like clown car with these three in it. Poor Kyle had the back seat and was a pretty shade of green the whole way there. What a trooper ;)
Kyle and THE tickets! Thank you sooo much Andrea :)
Happy Birthday Dad!
This picture was obviously taken on Saturday. Giants 9 Dodgers 0.
To celebrate my dad's 60th Birthday, Craig and my brother took him down to Los Angeles and Huntington Beach for a weekend of Dodgers and beach fun! The stayed on the beach and enjoyed two games of Dodgers vs. Giants!
Saturday, April 17, 2010
"That was zooper nasty." sob, sob.
And 3......2......1......SPLASH!!!!!
Well, with Craig being in LA for the Dodgers games, my mom came down to stay and help with the weekend fun! We decided that we would take everyone to Land Park and feed the ducks and have a picnic dinner. Everything was great and then SPLASH! After saying probably about 45 times to stay away from the edge, Griffen fell in. It was NASTY, GROSS, FOUL, DISGUSTING DUCK BUTTER WATER! I have never been sooooo grossed out. Please know that obviously he was fine, just very scared. We stripped him down to nothing and abruptly ended our fun! The whole way home, naked, he just kept saying, "Are you sure I can ride in a car like this?" I told him yes, because he's under 4. :) These pictures are of the moments before the disaster.
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
But you can't have a Birthday without a balloon~Griffen
Me and my birthday party attendees!
Wow! That's a lot of smoke!
Well, I would like to first point out that I am still closer to 30 than 40! Even if it is only for one more year! I have an awesome family that I truly look forward to growing old with and watching them do the same ;)
I had a great Birthday celebration. Thanks to our wonderful neighbor Laura, who watched Griffen and Avary this afternoon so Craig, Jackson (we took him out of school early) and I could go have lunch at our favorite local sushi restuarant. It was so yummy and very relaxing not having to leave before the chop-sticks started flying. Craig and the twins made me a very special cake this morning that we enjoyed for lunch dessert. Yes, lunch dessert, it is my birthday :). My great friend Sierra showed up on the doorstep with her beautiful girls (ready and willing to sing Happy Birthday) and the best chocolate cookies a girl could ever ask for. Like someone said just today, Mommy birthdays don't always goes as planned. This mommys birthday was enjoyable even with the homework, playdough in the hair and basketball practice. Here's to 34 more, at least :)
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Who needs a farmers market?
Sugar peas for anyone and everyone!
Carrots for brown bag lunches.
Lettuce for a salad or in Avarys case, her favorite lettuce sandwich......really!
Beef and broccoli for dinner!
I know the rain has been a pain, but just look at what it has helped to create! Dinner! Our garden is growing like crazy. We have Bibb lettuce, spinach, red and yellow onions, broccoli, carrots, sugar peas (my favorite), and artichokes! I love going out there and just being able to grab something and wash it and eat it! The kids think in is pretty cool too :)
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Monkey See, Monkey Do!
Zoo Zoom
Saturday, April 10, 2010
Monday, April 5, 2010
Easter Celebration in Carson
This year we spent Easter weekend up at my moms house in Carson City. We had a lot of fun, although it started out very slow. On the way up there it started just dumping snow. Soon enough there was chain control. So what normally takes about 2 1/2 hours took us at least 4 hours. Oh well, nothing that a couple of movies couldn't help :) On Saturday we went to Home Depot (along with everyone else in Carson) so Griffen and Avary could do the Kids Clinic. They had a lot of fun building butterfly houses (didn't know there was such a thing) and then painting them. Later that day we learned "How to Train A Dragon!". I don't know what was more cute, the movie or seeing Griffen and Avary sit there with their 3D glasses on. The only problem was that Avary's little button nose just wasn't big enough to hold them up. They kept them on for almost the whole movie. Avary had a blast trying to catch everything as it came to her. She just kept saying, "Oh man, I almost got that!" Griffen just kept repeating to himself, "this is just pretend.". Super cute movie! Easter morning was fun too. The Easter Bunny left VERY full baskets and eggs in my moms backyard. It was freezing cold, but you would have never known by the smiles on the three little faces!
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