Monday, March 29, 2010

I know this is gross, but it is also VERY funny :) or as Griffen says, "berry, berry funny".

So, my dear precious Avary has been a little stuck lately, if you know what I mean. I am sure it is from all the crackers and gold fish I fed them all last week on vacation. Anyways, we got her some FiberOne bars and hoped that it was going to start working soon. It happened tonight at home LUCKILY! All I heard was her screaming, "MOM, HURRY, I'M POOPING COFFEE!!!!!!!!" I actually laughed so hard I had tears on my glasses. I explained to her that it wasn't coffee and that the bars just finally started to work. Poor thing is totally confused that a bar can do that to you.

Griffen, "Mom, you are my bestest friend in the whole town!"

After the day we had around here, I am just happy to be friends with someone.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Home, Home on the Range!

The ranch house! We LOVE this place.

Griffen and Lisa making hamburgers for dinner! Yummy, they were good!

Griffens very own burger.

Lisa and Griffen. When you see one, the other is never far behind.

Avary making pancakes for all :) and loving every minute of it!

Lisa taking everyone for a ride!

Craig and Jackson playing darts. I must say, Jackson had two Bullseyes!

Griffen and Avary pretending to drive.

My handsome man.

Me and my other handsome man! What a lucky mommy I am.

Griffen and Avary holding on tight for our jeep adventure!

I mean really, need I say more? How much fun can one family have?

Griffen meeting Peppy the horse!

Avary and Andrea collecting eggs from the hens! Avary was a little weirded out by this.

Craig and Jackson going on one of their many quad rides.

"Wanna take a ride on my Big Green Tractor!"

Jackson riding the mini-motorcycle. I know, no helmet. The thing was barely charged so he was in no danger :)

Aunt Andrea being the mini-motorcycles battery for Avary. Now, that's love :)

Craig and Jackson rehearsing the rules before shooting clays.

Avary and Griffen handing out ear plugs. Wearing these reminded me of G and A's newborn days when Craig and I would wear ear plugs around the house just to have some quiet time.

Jackson was all smiles all week!

Craig shooting clays. He is GOOD!

The audience!

Griffen on the quad. He rode on this so many times, he had a raw spot on the inside of his leg. Still didn't slow him down.

Lisa teaching Jackson about shooting clays.

I got a turn shooting too! Now, that was fun! I even hit a few!

Another great trip to the ranch!

This place just makes us all smile. I don't know what the kids were more excited about, Disneyland or The Ranch! It truly was a great week away. It's so neat to be able to sit back and watch the three kids explore and learn so much. It helps that aunt Andrea and Lisa love to teach and get down and dirty with everyone. From collecting eggs from the hens, seeing a brand new baby goat, riding quads, going on an awesome jeep adventure (even with a wind-chill), and shooting clay targets, it was so fun.

This time around it truly was 'The Happiest Place on Earth'

All three were like, "seriously, we have to stop and take pictures with all those rides waiting for us?" Me, "Yep!".

Uncle Brian, Aunt Gia and cousin Kaycie. Bri, we missed you :) and us of course!

Avary and Griffen playing instruments in Tarzans tree house. I wonder if Tarzans real things were chained down......:)

Griffen next to Indiana Jones' Jeep! Sorry for the angle. Avary was making it known to the whole place that she was HUNGRY!!

Griffen loving the Tea-Cups!

I think the sun was starting to get to Jackson at this point.

Avary got to meet Minnie Mouse!

Oh, I love this handsome guy :)

Craig and Avary riding a roller coaster (You'll have to trust me on this one. I couldn't get a close-up).

All smiles after the roller coaster. Yes, even Craig.

I think the sun was starting to get to Griffen at this point :)

As many of you might remember, we tried to go to Disneyland last November with Craigs sister Andrea. As soon as we walked in the gates both boys started vomitting. Disney strongly dislikes people puking in their beautiful landscaping. We were gladly given a raincheck and used it this last week! This time we got to go with Craigs brother and his family from Denver. We all had a BLAST! It was a rather mellow day (Disney standards), which for us ment no long lines. We got to go on everything our littlest hearts desired. It was definitely a vacation the kids will remember for a very long time and I think even the big little kids as well!

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Our Chalk Family Portrait

Avary was super proud of her drawing of our family, so we had to share it :) And no, we don't usually make her wear her helmet when she plays with chalk. Although, some days it's not a bad idea around here.

Racers, start your engines!

Not a fan of loud noises!

Jacksons car is the yellow one with red flames.

Griffen loved cheering on his big brother.

And the crowd goes WILD!

This weekend was Jacksons schools first Pinewood Derby. It was a little hard to get him interested in it, but as usual, once he got going he was full speed ahead (get it?)!! He brought home a 'kit' (a piece of wood and some wheels) and that was it. The rest was up to him and his awesome imagination! He and Craig drew it out and decided on an aero-dynamic shape along with the design and put it all together. He didn't finish with any record breaking times, but he did reach the finish line each and every time. With all of his buddies there, also racing their cars, he was all smiles all day long :) I'm sure this won't be the last derby he will be a part of.