Thursday, May 10, 2012

Zzzzz-ball, I mean T-ball season has begun! Yawn.......

Ok, let's just get it out there, I am all about the kids having fun, playing sports and meeting new friends.  However, I am not a fan of t-ball.  It has to be the most boring game eeeevvvvveeeerrrr.
Avary plays on the Strikers, pretty much how the game goes, and Griffens team doesn't have a name.  Bad News Bears comes to mind, though.

Take us out to the ball game!

Cheering on Griffen.
She's thrilled.

Griffens team 'warming up'.

 He melts my heart.

 Getting last minute pointers from coach!

 "We almost done?"

There's the princess I know and love.

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