Wednesday, May 9, 2012


My mom came for a visit over Spring Break to surprise the kids!  She came about a week after we first moved here and we did nothing but unpack and shovel snow.  This time we were on a mission to show her a good time!

 She was even brave enough to have Avary do her hair. 
Speaking from experience, I don't recommend this.

 We took her our local-ish zoo.  They have these chairs you sit in and spin uncontrolably!
"Here Mimi, have a seat."
giggle, giggle

 The boys of course, love to have drool slide out of their mouth, down their cheek!

 We kissed frogs.
Actually, just she did.  Me and my kids are germ-a-phobes.

 We went in a hurricane simulator machine.  Notice the wind speed, 78.2 MPH.
"My hair!"

 We checked to see if we could all fit in the mouth of a shark.

 Ok, if there is any reason to go to the Pt. Defiance Zoo, it is this exhibit.
Polor Bears.
There are two of them and they are absolutely amazing to watch.  They totally interact with you.  I love this part.

 Poor Avary was not feeling well at all this day.  This smile cost me a couple pieces of gum.
Totally worth it though.

 Merry Go Round time!

 After the zoo we went and walked down Owens Beach. 
Have I mentioned before that I love living here. 
So many things to do and see.

The end of our fun filled day!

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