Sunday, March 4, 2012

Not even snow can stop us, but it came close......

We have been trying for a few weeks to get together with our friends Matt, Blythe, Emma and Molly.  Seems like someone is always sick when we plan something though.  This worked out great!  We didn't plan it until the morning of and we were all healthy and ready to play.  We met them at the Point Defiance Zoo and Aquarium in Tacoma.  It was just a quick 20 minute drive for us and a 7 minute ferry right for them!  The weather even cooperated for the most part.  We had everything from sunshine to snow to wind and rain, but freezing or not, we all had a great time.

 I see you!

 Playing on a wood sculpture at the gate.

 Avary and Coral.

 At the petting pool.

 This was right before his gum fell out of his mouth and into the pool.
Nice.  Only Griffen.

 Craig and Matt and the sign that says it all.

 Petting a shark.

 These polar bears were awesome!

They would come right up to the window and sway back and forth. 

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