Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Our new adventure!

As many, if not all of you know by now, we moved to Gig Harbor, Washington on January 6th.  Here's how it all came to happen.

Chapter: Life Changing Events in less than 48 hours

Craig was 'structured out' of his job at AZEK after 9 years.  It was a shock to us and then again it wasn't.  He hadn't been happy the way things were going for a while and was waiting for the other shoe to drop.  We just weren't thinking someone else would push the shoe off.  It definitely changed our lives.  We went from scared to excited for new beginnings to back to scared again.  This all happened on Thursday, November 10th.  On Friday, Novemeber 11th, his phone rang.  It was OrePac, a company Craig has known and respected for as long as I can remember.  They were calling him to see if he was interested in a job with them.  We couldn't believe the timing.  They had no idea what the previous day had brought to our family.  We have always said that we would go back to the Pacific Northwest if the opportunity ever arised.  Here we were with a chance to do just that.  They were offering him a job in Tacoma. 
We took a few days to think about it and then decided to go check it out.  Craig, Jackson and I flew up to Washington and looked around.  My mom came down and stayed with Griffen and Avary.  It was just what we expected.  Beautiful, homey and calling our names.  Obviously the kids were upset, but I think mostly scared.  We all were.  We listed our house, had an offer in less than 24 hours and accepted the new job!  It has been a whirlwind event, but so worth it.  The kids have adjusted amazingly well.  They have proven to be so resilient.  Ally (our dog) is trying to adjust to sharing the backyard with raccoons and squirrels.  Craig is loving his new job and having a desk that isn't in the closet, and I am doing my best to make this be 'our home'. 
A week after we moved in, a huge snow storm hit.  We had about 8" of snow and only a pooper-scooper to shovel it with.  How's that for a Welcome to the Pacific Northwest?!  The kids had a blast playing in it, after we found snow clothes buried in the garage.  Good news is with all the snow and the roads closed, we just about got everything unpacked and put away.  We really had no choice.  They had a slow start to their new school.  It started with a 2 hour snow delay, followed by 3 snow days and then another 2 hour ice delay.  This week will be our first normal week as we try to get back on a routine.

 The Tacoma Narrows Bridge.  Craig takes this everyday to work.

 Our first dinner in our house!

 Just so happened to also be Craigs Birthday!

 My mom came up for a long weekend to help us unpack and get settled.
This is her and Avary trying to get Ally into her new igloo.
It didn't work.
We found her sleeping in the snow and rain.  Silly dog.  Good thing we kept our receipt.

 We were excited with this much snow.  Little did we know what was coming our way!

 First day of school!  All three go to the same school.  At least for the next 6 months.

 Welcome to Washington!!

We can't wait to see what happens next!

1 comment:

  1. So excited to see your blog updates. It's crazy how things worked out so well with Craig's job. Things happen for a reason. Miss you guys but am so happy you guys are loving it.
