Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Christmas 2011

This years Christmas was definitely bittersweet.  While celebrating with friends and family, we knew that this would be our last holiday here in our Sacramento home.  We didn't let the sadness stop us from enjoying the moments though.  My mom, step-dad and youngest brother came down for a couple days, along with my Gram.  Then, my dad, Nana and Papa and older younger brother came over for a celebration.  To top it all off, we headed down to Craigs parents home in Palm Springs for a few days of visiting.  His WHOLE family was there!  It was the first time in 5 years (since the twins have been born) we have all been under the same roof.  Many memories were made this year.

 Avary, my mom and I.

 Brad, mom, me and Kyle.

 Avary, me, Gram, mom and cousin Skyla.

 Brad and the 'growth' on his hip.

 Kyle and Craig LOVE getting baked goods!!

 Santa brought Booster Seats this year.  They were a hit!!

 My dad loves finding things with my name on it!

 Craig, Papa, Jackson, Nana, me, Griffen and Avary.

 Playing soccer golf at Goose and Gumpys (Craigs parents).

 Bri and Griffen.
Bri was our flower girl.
This year we drank beers together.
You know you are getting old when your flower girl is drinking with you.  ;)

 One of MANY card games played.

 Griffen having 'Griffen time'.

Bri, Andrea, Craig, Kaycie and Avary.
With us all being together, we had family pictures taken.
This is a sneak peak.  ;)

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