Wednesday, August 17, 2011

What were we thinking?

It doesn't take much to get Craig and I excited about things.  Usually just the words, Adults Only, will do the trick. 
This year it was an Adults Only River Rafting Trip down the Cache Creek.  Two nights, yummy food, rafting and camping with some of our closest friends.  It doesn't get much better.  Except the kids were at home.  Now it can only get better ;)
I personally am not a fan of water sports/activities.  But, I chose to overlook my fear and go anyway.
  Big mistake. 
Getting a little anxiety just thinking about it. 
It went a little something like this.......

Uh huh!  That's us underwater.  In our boat. 
Luckily we made it back up, but without an oar.  Fun times!  I should have known to stay and watch over the campsite when during the "training" they said, "Make sure and do this when you get to the Mother".  Or, "Hold on tight when you get to the Widow Maker!" 
The names say it all. 
The name I'll be looking for in the future when it comes to rafting is Lazy River.

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