Wednesday, August 17, 2011

It has come......

the first day of school!
We now have three school age kids.  Jackson started 5th Grade (I can hardly believe it) and is loving it and Griffen and Avary started Kindergarten and also 'lub' it.  Our schedule is pretty crazy, but without crazy, I've decided we would be bored.  G & A are still getting used to going to school EVERYDAY!  The best part of all is it is EVERYDAY, ALL DAY!  
Everyone asks what I do with all my time now.  Um.  The same as I used to do, just by myself.  I do have to remind myself to slow down.  I've never had 6 hours a day alone.  It's pretty nice though and we are all adjusting quite well.

They were all smiles when we picked them up!

 Even Jackson missed them a little.


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