Monday, January 17, 2011

A friends 10th Birthday Party + snow + lots of buddies = a VERY FUN DAY!!

Jacksons friend Nick had a snow day Birthday party this last weekend.  The trip was 12 boys and 5 dads!  Lots of laughs, snowball fights and tubing made for quite a great Sunday!  Craig and I didn't go, but luckily there were pictures taken so we didn't totally miss out.

 All the boys!
Jackson is second from the right.

 Jackson helping Brayden after he fell down the snow wall.

 Jacob and Jackson taking cover behind the massive wall of snow!

 Heading up the hill with his tube!

 And down!!

 Love this! 
All the boys on the 'magic carpet' going up the hill.

 Quite the snow park!

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