Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Just a couple cute pictures I found

 Griffen, Paulo (friend from preschool) and Avary

Oh, I lub him.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Birthday party fun!

We have some friends who's little girl recently had her first Birthday party.  Of course a party wouldn't be a party without Miss Blossom!  We have been to a couple of parties with her and love to get our face painted each time!

 "I would like a unicorn, please!"

Some of Avarys closest friends.
Keira, Bella, Claire, Caitlin and Av.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Just trying to do what ever it is I can.....

I have learned a lot in the past few months.   The most important thing is that Craig and I are so blessed to have a Cancer free family. However, we have friends and their families that need our help.  This being said, my wonderful friends and I (Lovely Ladies) have decided to join the Relay For Life Walk in Natomas this year.  It is sure to be a good time and we are hopeful that we raise enough money for us to reach our goal of $400.00 each.  With each lap around the track, we will remember why we are there, to let families and friends know that we care and will do whatever we can to help out.  I know times are hard right now, and money is a hard thing to share, but please do what you can do.  I am attaching a link to my donation page.  Thank you for your help.   

Monday, January 17, 2011

A friends 10th Birthday Party + snow + lots of buddies = a VERY FUN DAY!!

Jacksons friend Nick had a snow day Birthday party this last weekend.  The trip was 12 boys and 5 dads!  Lots of laughs, snowball fights and tubing made for quite a great Sunday!  Craig and I didn't go, but luckily there were pictures taken so we didn't totally miss out.

 All the boys!
Jackson is second from the right.

 Jackson helping Brayden after he fell down the snow wall.

 Jacob and Jackson taking cover behind the massive wall of snow!

 Heading up the hill with his tube!

 And down!!

 Love this! 
All the boys on the 'magic carpet' going up the hill.

 Quite the snow park!

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year!


 Let the noise makers begin.
Sorry Megan  :)

 A boy with a bag of 12 grapes (one for each month of the New Year), a glass of sparkling cider and a horn!  
What else could you ask for!

 Trying so hard not to spill.

Some of the little ones outside celebrating the East Coast New Year!

With Craig and Jackson in Denver for the New Year, Griffen, Avary and I went to our wonderful friends house to ring in the new year.  We chose to celebrate East Coast style and were home and in bed by 10:00pm.  That's how we roll.  No matter what coast, we had a blast hanging out with our friends and am so grateful to have them in our lives.  We look forward to a happy, healthy and exciting 2011!
Happy New Year!