Saturday, November 20, 2010

Our first annual Rockmont Circle Food Drive!

Like many, I have my best ideas in the shower.  I am happy to say that this was one of my best ever.  Griffen and Avarys preschool was doing a food drive to help a local food bank.  It is called The GreenHouse Project.  I knew that any time of the year these days some sort of assistance is needed for so many families.  I got in contact with the director of the charity and asked if we would be able to do a little neighborhood drive of our own.  She was thrilled that we wanted to be a part of it.  Thats when the wheels started turning.  I mean a FAST TURN!  I called our AWESOME neighbor next door, Laura, and she was happy to help.  Wham, Bham, Thank you Ma'am a flyer was made and we were well on our way to making a difference.  The charity had a goal of being able to feed 50 FAMILIES a traditional Thanksgiving feast.  I am only responsible for feeding one and have already broken out into hives.......needless to say,we had a huge task ahead of us, but deep down we knew that what ever we were able to help with would be appreciated!  WOW, our neighborhood, family and friends came through in a big way.  At the end we gathered over 300 cans of food, 8 turkeys and enough money to purchase 5 more turkeys!  It may not be enough for all 50 families, but it still feels good knowing that this year at least 13 families will be thankful for the meal that is on their table.  I know I am extra thankful for being a part of that.

 Last call for food!!!

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