Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Rocket, The Runaway Engine......

Not that long ago I made a pact with myself that I was going to TRY my hardest to start doing things with the twins now that they are older and more independent. When Jackson was little it was pretty easy to find things for he and I to do and not feel overwhelmed. Now days I am completely out numbered the second we walk out the door. The above mentioned pact clearly states that I can't let that stop me! ;) On todays "TRY my hardest list" I wanted to take them to see a little play called, Rocket, The Runaway Engine! I thought it would be perfect since they are learning about transportation at school right now and it came highly recommended from a very fun mom I know (you know who you are). It was at a local high school with local talent and was free, yes free. All was going well and then the curtain opened. Griffen, "THIS IS NOT A SHOW. THERE IS NO T.V." After I explained to him many times that there wasn't going to be a tv he was alright. Then Avary started, "When do we get popcorn?" It was very clear to all around us that we were beginners at these kinds of 'shows'. Luckily it was only an hour long and we were close to the exit. All in all, a fun morning! Will we be back? To Be Continued........

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