Sunday, February 28, 2010

Glad that's over!

Griffen laughing at the fact that I thought this was actually going to stop him.

Pretty much an everyday occurance (when younger) while I was in the shower.

I love this one. Avary's 'Oh Sh** I was caught' face.

This weekend we put a few things on Craigs List that we don't use anymore. There were two gates that obviously didn't help much and G & A's old dresser, which even without the drawer knobs was a safety hazard. As I was placing the ads I started to think about all the fun we used to have around here with two very determined toddlers. WOW!! Oh the memories......

Jackson hard at work on HIS very own blog!

So, Craig came up with a really good idea to have Jackson start his very own blog that shows off his lego creations and keeps him busy. To our surprise, he was all over it. You can follow it at He is off to a great start!

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Yay for Jackson!

So we received a letter from Jacksons teacher today letting us know that he will be given the 3rd Grade Science Award at next weeks awards assembly. We of course are super excited for him. I told him Congratulations and that we are looking forward to coming to see him receive it and his response was, "Oh cool. What is Science?" That a boy:)

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Rocket, The Runaway Engine......

Not that long ago I made a pact with myself that I was going to TRY my hardest to start doing things with the twins now that they are older and more independent. When Jackson was little it was pretty easy to find things for he and I to do and not feel overwhelmed. Now days I am completely out numbered the second we walk out the door. The above mentioned pact clearly states that I can't let that stop me! ;) On todays "TRY my hardest list" I wanted to take them to see a little play called, Rocket, The Runaway Engine! I thought it would be perfect since they are learning about transportation at school right now and it came highly recommended from a very fun mom I know (you know who you are). It was at a local high school with local talent and was free, yes free. All was going well and then the curtain opened. Griffen, "THIS IS NOT A SHOW. THERE IS NO T.V." After I explained to him many times that there wasn't going to be a tv he was alright. Then Avary started, "When do we get popcorn?" It was very clear to all around us that we were beginners at these kinds of 'shows'. Luckily it was only an hour long and we were close to the exit. All in all, a fun morning! Will we be back? To Be Continued........

Sunday, February 21, 2010

I never knew I liked mustard this much.

Because I was only able to take Avary to get her Mustard Photos taken I thought I would try it myself with the boys, who felt left out! I should have known they would love to run and play in a field. As you can see, I am far from a photographer, but this wa FUN! Between the angle, lighting and just boys wanting to be boys it was a little difficult and very muddy. Seriously though, with all the fields around us full of these beautiful golden yellow flowers it is pretty hard to take a 'bad' picture. The hardest part of all was getting everyone back into the car WITHOUT their shoes on. I think both boys grew about 2 inches because of all the dirt packed on the bottoms of their shoes. Here are a couple of 'good ones'.

I just want to be fast!

"Mom, can we go to Home Depot today and buy an engine?" Me, "An engine for what?" Griffen, "For my bike, so I can keep up with Bubba and Daddy on their bike-run."

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Playing in the weeds!

Here is a sneak peek of a photo session that a friend of ours did with Avary the other night. Bug bites and all, it went pretty good! She was a super good sport. I can't wait to see the rest of them.

PASSWORD: mustard

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Andreas Surprise 40th Bash!

A couple of weeks ago Craig and I jumped on a plane and flew down to celebrate his sister Andreas 40th Birthday! It was a ton of fun with LOTS of laughs, dancing and great memories. This is a picture of Craigs brother Brian and sister Andrea.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

"Try again, try again, try again."

This weekend Avary just wouldn't let up about riding her bike without training wheels. Jackson was just a couple of months older when he finally got it, so we gave it a try! She did pretty good. This girl has DETERMINATION! After every fall and close call she just kept saying, "try, again, try again!" Oh, how much I love her. I think next time we do the practice runs it won't be on garbage night though. Too many obstacles and head ons with big, stinky trash cans.

I love this time of year.

In the spring, at the end of the day, you should smell like dirt. ~Margaret Atwood

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

"Yay! Today is our Balentine Party Grace!!"

You would of thought that it was Christmas around here this morning. Griffen and Avary had their preschool Valentines Party today and were soooooo excited!!

"I can do it longer." "No, I can!"

Lately Avary and Griffen have been competing with just about everything, even their Yoga stands.


Craig was given a surround-sound system a couple of weeks ago and set it up for the SuperBowl! As you can see, not everyone is a fan of it. Griffen had to use earplugs the other day at lunch.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Craig, "Jackson, time to go get into the shower."