Monday, March 23, 2015

This guy is registering for high school this week.

Unfreaking believable. 

"Not I'm my net"

I'm not sure where he gets it. This child has so much courage. He LOVES to play goalie in soccer and now lacrosse. No fear. As I've said before, he's my old soul, sweet boy and stronger than many adults. 

Say what?!

Jackson is playing lacrosse!  Yup!  He watched one of Griffens games and caught the bug. We are super proud of him for trying something new. He's always been a soccer and nothing else kind of guy. 

Lacrosse in the harbor really begins when you hit 3rd grade, so he is a bit behind in talent, but quickly achieving some experience. He's not getting much playing time, but that will come. 

Where's Waldo??!!

He's the one in the black jersey and black shorts. Right there. There's a number on his jersey. See him. 

Just kidding. Look for the orange cleats. That's him. 

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Palm Springs get away!

We did it!  We found the sun. And it gets even was at Goose and Gumpys house!  The kids have this thing called Mid-winter break, which translates to a week off of school. So we took advantage of it and flew down to see Craig's parents in Palm Springs. And, his sister in Huntington Beach. It was just what we needed. Sun, relaxing and warm soft hugs. (Craig's mom has the best hugs, and the softest skin. Better than a teddy bear). 

The kids swam everyday, I almost fell asleep on the chaise lounge everyday and Craig was able to get some handyman work accomplished. It was a win win. 

Until next time. 

Supporting the Hawks!

And looking tough while doing it. 

12 Christmas dinners, Easter brunches and Thanksgiving feasts.

It did us well. Dining tables are kinda a silly thing. You use them very rarely. They are usually in the room that no one even looks at as they walk by. But, they are a safe place. A place every family needs. A place where school projects are worked on. A place game boards are set up and puzzles are put together. A place where memories are made. A place where friends and family gather and giggle. A place family members, that we have lost, have sat. And let's keep it real, a place you don't want to sit too long because the chairs are super uncomfortable. 

We just recently sold ours to a family that I know will do the same. Our new home that we are getting ready for has no dining room. So a new era must begin, although it's a little sad to end the previous one. I think I want my dining set back?!

Good by dining room furniture. You did us proud. And, I'm sorry for under appreciating you while you were with us. 

Saturday, March 21, 2015

Oh deer!

Eating our roses. So rude. 

Young family meet Lacrosse,

Lacrosse meet Young family. We have stepped outside our sports box and tried something new.....LACROSSE!  Who knew how cool and fun and confusing this would be?  Apparently most of Gig Harbor because "everybody's doin' it". Griffen had his first real game last weekend. I say real because his first first game ended early when the referree heard word that all but 2 of the opposing team members were protected down there.  So lesson learned on both sides of the field, no cup, no game!  

The second first game was intense. A lot of our players were not there to play because of basketball playoffs. Again, another sport taken very serious here in the harbor. Anyway, they planned that just right. Freezing cold, rain not only falling from the sky, but I swear blowing horizontal. There was no escaping it. But, the boys played awesome!  I think. I admit I missed most of it not only because I was hidden under my umbrella and blanket and the rude lady who stood right in front of my chair, yes, you rude lady, but Griffen says it was FuN!  Our team lost, but the best part was when Griffen was awarded a special honor. He now sports and Excellent Sportsmanship sticker on his helmet!  The opposing teams look for certain players who represent their team well. Yup, that's my kid.

 So, there ya have it. New sport, new rain jacket and boots, stack of blankets in the car and a reminder by the back door sports rack, 'DON'T FORGET YOUR CUP'. 

As if this child's head wasn't heavy enough already. Let's put a helmet on it and see if he can even left his head enough to find the field. 

Padded gloves to protect those sweet little hands that still like to be held. 

J snapping the safety strap. I think this was the moment Jackson decided he wanted to wear equipment like this, I mean, play lacrosse.  This topic is to be continued......

Here we go!

Griffen doing the face off to get the game started. 

Thursday, March 5, 2015

What a session!

Avary played another session of basketball these past 8 weeks. She enjoyed every minute of it. They even went undefeated!  

Now, a two week break until we start all over again.  yay.  (Notice lowercase). Momma needs a break. But, go team!

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

You nose what?

You're looking at a cancer free doggy here!  Thank goodness for awesome vets.