Sunday, April 13, 2014

Your thoughts create your reality.

Deep, right?  Don't worry.  That's as deep as I'm gonna go.  But, it brings me to something very important.  I met my biological dad last week!  This is something that has been on my mind and in my heart forrrrr-eeeevvvvv-eeeerrrrrr.  Not because I don't have a great dad.  I do.   And, now I have two!  I have two dads that love me as their own.  Because I am.   I may not have lived a long life yet, but the life that I have lived has taught me that I will regret the chances I don't take.  This was one of those chances I wasn't going to not take.  It just took time.  It took the exact moment in time that I needed to realize this is something that I have wanted and deserved for my 37 years on this earth.   And I did it.  All by myself.  Truly no one knew about it.  Nope, not even Craig.  I was worried that if it went the wrong way I would be pitied.  I don't do pity.  I was worried that people would say don't do it.  I didn't want any doubters.  I just wanted to do it.  And I did.  I found him.  His name is John Austin, and ready for this........he lives about 15 minutes from where Craig and our family lived for 12 years.  Yup.   Although that stings a bit, I have comfort in knowing that this didn't happen while we lived there for some reason.  Maybe it wasn't a good time for my mom to hear about it.  Maybe it wouldn't have gone so unbelievably well when I told my dad that I found him.  Maybe my kids would have freaked out with questions and uncertainty thinking that I had been lying to them about my family all this time.  Maybe Craig would have thought that I was just going kookoo.  It was meant to happen now. And it did.  I finally know what his voice sounds like.  I finally know what his laugh sounds like.  How tall he is.  What he looks like.  That he is left handed.  What his favorite sports are.  What he does for a living.  His favorite food.  Vacation.  Pastime.  How awesome is that?!  I KNOW MY DAD!  

"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do.  So throw off the bowlines.  Sail away from the safe harbor.  Catch the trade winds in your sails.  Explore.  Dream.  Discover." - Mark Twain

I did.

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