Wednesday, April 30, 2014

As Griffen would say, "Grace, 1 V 1"?

It's not very often we are dressed, fed, combed and brushed before the bus is pulling into the lot. Today was a first in a long time, which meant a friendly game of hoops before school!
1 v 1

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Monday, April 28, 2014

I could sit here all day.

The view I have while waiting for Jackson to finish track at his school.  
This is one line I don't mind sitting in. 

Sunday, April 27, 2014

New member of the family!

As a thank you, my bosses gave me a lifetime cask club membership. That means we have a 10 liter cask of air aging until we can decide on what spirit to put into it. Will it be whiskey, bourbon or single malt?!

Your guess is as good as mine. Too many good things to choose from. 

Don't mean to toot my own horn but,

Toot, Toot!

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Because we have nothing else to do.......

we accepted an invitation for Avary to join a basketball team.  We purposely didn't join during signups because there are just not enough hours in the day.  Or, so we thought.  Here we go!
Avary has joined a basketball team with a few of her friends.  She LOVES it.  We knew she would.  

Waiting on the bench for her turn to play.

Yup.  It went in.

As did this one.

And on her way to score more.

This girl can play ball!

Monday, April 21, 2014

Our Caring Boy

 There is a Student of The Month in da house!
Griffen was chosen the most caring out of all of the students in his class.  The school does a thing called Character Counts.  Every month they have students who are nominated by fellow classmates for various things like Caring, Respect, Responsibility and so on.  Griffen was awarded Caring!  

One of his good buddies, Jackson, was awarded the same in his class!

So this was sad.  
The way it works is this;
The parents get an email saying that their student will be presented an award on a specific day.  Parents should not tell their students about it.  It needs to be kept a secret.  BUT, what the email didn't say is that when the kids all walk into the cafeteria and see who's parents are there, they quickly figure out who is being recognized.  Our poor two sat there in agony waiting to see which one it was. As always, Avary was a supportive big sister.  I nominate her for that.

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Hidden Treasure

This morning, amongst all the egg-citment, get it?, we had a little accident. Griffen was grabbing an egg off the mantel and pictures went tumbling. But, look at the photo hiding behind one of the others. I totally remember this moment. The twins were beginning to understand that there were things inside the Easter eggs. This photo shows Jackson showing them. Aw, such sweet innocence.  Now days it's on like Donkey Kong around here Easter morning.

Olympic Game Farm, Sequim, Washington

Oh Spring Break, how I've not missed you.  This is the week where most of our friends go on boring vacations to Hawaii, Mexico, Arizona and other not even worth mentioning places.  We stay home. This year the kids, at least 2 of 3, did a soccer skills camp.  That went over well.  It dumped on them.  I mean dumped.  Did I pick them up early?  Nope.  Getting drenched and freezing so much you can't bend your legs builds character.  I did bring them hot cocoa when I picked them up.  I'm not that mean.  Sheesh.  Anyway, I might have been feeling a little mommy guilt.  Which means ROAD TRIP!  But, not too far.  We can't even drive to Safeway without arguing. We loaded up in the car and headed to Sequim, Washington.  Pronounced Skwim.  It's a little town popular with retirees.  Cute, but little.  We had lunch at a little diner and then headed to the farm!  This wasn't just a farm.  It was a drive thru safari.  In Washington.  We saw bears, deers and buffalo OH MY!  And lots of other things that don't fit in the saying.  Each kid got a loaf of wheat bread that they were able to feed to the animals.  Our kids decided to feed most of their bread to the stupid seagulls.  We don't get out much.  

If you're not paying attention, they'll just help themselves.

Falcon?  What ever it was, it was HUGE!

Road block.

The bears had so much personality.  Rumor has it that some of these have been in movies.

It's very comforting seeing these guys walking your way.
I'm sure that if they wanted to they could have gotten in and grabbed their own bread.

Pretty, right?

This was funny.  The screams coming from these cars were echoing through the whole park.

The tigers were behind fences.  More than one.


Um, who would even think not to 'Stay In Your Car'?
Nobody in this one.

That's just not nice.

Happy Easter 2014

I've given up on trying to take 'normal' pictures of this child.

And these teeth!

Ally wanted to hold my hand.  Maybe she was nervous like me that the dye was going to spill.