Monday, September 24, 2012

Game 1 for Avary

Avary played in her first soccer game of the season this last weekend.  We were out of town for the very first game, so she felt like she had something to prove.  She did great, dispite being put in the defender postition, which she HATES!
There are so many little blondes running around on her team, its hard to know who to take pictures of.
 It was a chilly morning!
 This is Avarys coach.  She and her husband coach both this team and their oldest daughters team.  He is a firefighter and has been deployed out in Eastern Washington fighting the many fires that are there burning.  They have 4 kids.  It hasn't slowed her down a bit.  One on her back, one in the stroller and the other two out kicking the ball.

 Ellie vs. Avary
This is one of her school buddies.

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