Saturday, July 28, 2012

I did it!

I got LASIK! 
I went from these......

 to all this. 
Plus more.

As with every surgery, there are risks.  Forms you sign that say you accept the chances of things not going exactly as planned.  Forms that say very few people experience complications.  I signed those, with no resistance.  Thinking, I am totally healthy and plan on following the doctors orders exactly as I am told.  And I did. 
Well, well, well.  I was one of the statistics that I completely disregarded.  The surgery itself went fine, if you don't mind your eyeball being suctioned out of your eye sockets, and the sound of lasers popping at your cornea (4th of July will always remind me of getting this procedure).  Not to mention the smell of a flap being cut over your pupil.  Anyway, within 8 minutes I was off the table and in the check-out room.  Everything went great!
Then the healing process began.  Here is where the statistics come in play.  My left eye healed great and super quick.  My right eye, not so much.  I formed a scar over my right pupil, which of course completely blurred my vision, worse than before surgery.  "This is VERY rare and one of those issues we talked about that might happen."  So, I did new eye drops in the right eye every waking hour for the following two weeks and took some gnarly pills that made the skin on my hands blister, itch and peel off, but IT WORKED! 
I can see!
I can read a book!
I can see what time it is during the middle of the night!
I can lay on my side and watch TV!
I can walk in the rain without covering my eyes!
I can swim!
I can see which bottle is the shampoo and which is the conditioner!
I can rub my eyes!
I can nuzzle my kids without getting my glasses smudged!
I can wear hats now without feeling overly accessorized!
It may have been a rough, second guessing road, but I am so happy I finally chose to have my eyes done.  As a good friend reminded me during this crazy time, 'Modern medicine is pretty amazing.'  It truly is life changing.


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